عورت کی امامت صغریٰ(عبادات میں قدیم و معاصرآرا کا مطالعہ)
Islamic society has raised the status of women that no other ancient and modern civilization has been able to do. There was no single definition of the roles played and rights held by the prior to the advent of Islam. Since Islam is a complete code of life which gives men and women equal rights and responsibilities according to their abilities and tendencies. These rights and duties are related to every sphere of life. Islam has also given women the right to be represented in religious laws like men. Prayer is a fundamental part of the religion of Islam, in which the second most important step after purity is the Imāmat of prayers. There has always been a tendency in the Muslim Ummah that the right of Imāmat has been given to a man. Nowhere has it been the case that a woman has been made an Imām, either permanently or temporarily or in an emergency situation. Since it is clear that in the time of the Holy Prophet ﷺ women used to go to the mosque and there is evidence of Imāmat of women. In recent years legality of Imāmat of woman has been a subject of hot debate in conservative and modernist religious circles. It is clear that Imāmat of woman for woman has been accepted generally, but as for the Imāmat of women for men there is a contradictive opinions either women can do Imāmat in obligatory prayers,Nawāfil, Tarawih or in congregational prayer (Salāt al-Jamā’ah). It is analytically studied about the Imāmat of women with all its reasons, possibilities, nullification, environment and rewards in the light of the opinions made by ancient and contemporary fuqahas (scholars) and Muhaddithin. Imāmat of woman is not prohibited or forbidden in Islamic Sharī’ah. She can do Imāmat where it is needed.
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