The Qur’ānic Word al-Imra’a: its Significations and Implications
The Qur’ān, a quintessential code of conduct and an ultimate authority for guidance, is exceptional in exquisite splendor of its language and diction. Its eloquence, cadence, phraseology and articulation is nonpareil. A reader is overwhelmed by its rhetoric even before its dignified message breaks upon him. Every single word is couched with several styles and meanings. There are many words used multiple times in the Qur’ān, but have different significations, meanings and implications. The exegetes have endeavored hard to determine their connotation with the aid of transmissions and with respect to milieus of verses. This article has been written to unveil the significations and relational implications of a word “Imra’a (اِمْرَأَة)” used in the Qur’ān. Moreover, it would mention synonymous words of that relation with brief literal elaboration. Descriptive and Analytical research methodologies have been opted in this work to accentuate the grandiose of linguistic elegance of the Qur’ān through Prophetic Traditions, exegetical citations, lexicological references and tabular presentations.
Copyright (c) 2024 Zunaira Moeez, Muhammad Farooq Haider (Author)

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