Women Faced Modern Juristic Problems and Their Solution
Since the world came into existence a lot of changes have also taken place and in the present era this change can be seen. As soon as the world changed, its need and demands have also been changed. Islam save human rights by being a greater source for their safety. It presents a clear and perfect way to be led. It is the religion to which a society should be grateful as it has given full rights and laws for women.
There are two types of Islamic laws, Some are those, that are not changed by the change in our surrounding, for example, The time of Performing prayers, numbers of Rakaat , Parts and quantity of zakaat . While; “some of the laws” are changed with the change of surrounding because they are established on some bases. When the foundation is different than the laws are also different .These bases save the man from any suffering and when they find an occasion , They offer a way of change , terseness , departure and of comfort .In this article The juristic Problems faced by the Women and their solution are discussed.
Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Irshadullah , Dr. Qismat Khan (Author)

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