Status of Women in Pakistani Society: An Analytical study in Islamic Perspective
A woman in various societies is still considered as a second-class citizen and deprived of basic rights enjoyed by the male community. The West has often deemed Islamic woman to be backward in a male-dominated world. Quite the opposite, Islam appeared to be the very first religion officially to grant the woman a status hardly ever known before. The research deals to investigate the status of Pakistani woman in Islamic perspective. The Holy Quran incorporates innumerable instructions & commandments concerned equally to men and women. The research paper tends to break the myth that Pakistani woman is being exploited, an inactive, deserted section of society and captivated in home. The article depicts concise impression of the Islamic perception of modesty, decency, purity and virtue particularly concerning Muslim women.
This research gives a short reflection on the status of Pakistani woman in Islamic perspective in our prevailing situation. It endeavors to wrap not only the religious but also social, as well as academic aspects. The paper dealing with Status of Women in Pakistan thus tries to explore various layers of state and society, their functioning and interplay challenging the stereotypes.
The paper aims to construct a consistent& cumulative picture of Pakistani Muslim women. Campaigns of women empowerment are increasing day by day & highlighted so far but giving it a right sense has not found a big literature yet. This paper is just a little step to highlight the status of Pakistani women in Islamic perspective. Finally, it is concluded that Islam as a religion ensures maximum women’s rights. It is our typical social norms, old traditions taken & imported from other religions and ignorance from the true teachings of Islam, which has made today’s Pakistani women susceptible.

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