جہیز او رعروسی تحائف کا قانون1976ء :اطلاقات و اثرات


  • Dr. Muhammad Abdullah IIS University of the Punjab, Lahore Author


Covenant of prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ), covenant of his companions “Sahabah” (رضی اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعین)and their followers “Tabaeen”  and “Tab  a Tabaeen”(رحمھم اللہ تعالی ), according to the command of the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) : these three eras are “The Best era among Centuries”. They have the best guidance for the Muslim Ummah, even for the family life there are many assets (guidelines). This is called the best age of Islam. In it, marriage was very simple and very easy. When the date of marriage was fixed very simply after the relationship was settled, and then a few members of the family would go to the girl's house on behalf of the boy. They would take the girl home after performing the marriage ceremony with utmost simplicity and without any rituals.

There were no such things as barat, dowry, bari and jewelry etc. So that the families of boy and the girl were free from all kind of burdens. This was the requirement of Islamic teachings and the teachings of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ), which the Muslims of the good ages followed and showed the world the best example of Islamic civilization and society.In modern times we have often strayed from these teachings and made the issue of this marriage serious, became the center of many issues, and we made obligatory the customs and traditions which our beloved Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) abolished. As a result, our marriages have become a terrible torment.
Therefore, in 1976, in view of this important aspect of society, the government enacted a law restricting dowry and wedding gifts. The purpose of enforcing this law is to prohibit unnecessary gifts and dowries and to provide penalties for violators. The law also provides a facility for poor parents to apply to the government for assistance if they cannot afford to provide their daughters with essentials.  This is the law that, if applied correctly in our society, can solve many problems.


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How to Cite

جہیز او رعروسی تحائف کا قانون1976ء :اطلاقات و اثرات. (2021). Al-Qawārīr, 2(4), 27-47. https://journal.al-qawarir.com/index.php/alqawarir/article/view/169