عورتوں کی تعلیم کا حق اورعصری تقاضے :عہد نبویﷺ کے تناظر میں


  • munazza hayat BZU Multan Author


One of the most important institutions that man has organized for his life and has maintained the continuity of collective life is the institution of education. Human development depends on education. Any person or nation without education that cannot advance much in the stages of life and there is no possibility of progress. But despite this, there has been a long period of history in which the need for and importance of education for women has been neglected and the need for it has been understood only for men and only those who belong to a particular class get education. Women lived a life of ignorance far from education. An important purpose of education and training of women is to make them aware of their rights because in order to perform their duties properly, women must also be aware of their rights so that they realizing their position, they could adopt the right attitude and the society could not fall prey to disarray. Before Islam, women did not have basic rights, so at that time the society was suffering from chaos. Islam gave them rights in accordance with the requirements of the nature of their needs. That is why Islam has given primary importance to education from the very beginning and has made the acquisition of knowledge equally obligatory for both men and women. The great virtue of knowledge has been mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith. In Muslim societies, the general view regarding women's education is that mere religious education is sufficient for women and the field of modern science is reserved for men. This article reviews that at the time of the Prophet women were not confined to mere religious education but also involved in other activities like arts and crafts.


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عورتوں کی تعلیم کا حق اورعصری تقاضے :عہد نبویﷺ کے تناظر میں. (2024). Al-Qawārīr, 2(4). https://journal.al-qawarir.com/index.php/alqawarir/article/view/170