دعوت دین میں خواتین کے مسائل اور صحابیات کے مناہج تبلیغ : عصری تناظر میں اطلاقی مطالعہ

Women's Issues and Methodologies of the Companions in the Context of Invitation to Islam: An Applied Study in Modern Perspective.

  • Hafiz Liaqat Ali Awan
  • Hafiz Abu Bakar Idrees M Phil Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Keywords: Women's Issues, Companions of the Prophet, Da'wah, Islamic Methodologies, Contemporary Relevance, Gender Dynamics, Early Islamic Society, Applied Study, Historical Context.


This study explores the intersection of women's issues and the methodologies of the companions within the framework of inviting others to Islam, with a focus on contemporary relevance. The research delves into the historical context of early Islamic society, examining the roles, contributions, and challenges faced by women during that era. Additionally, it investigates the approaches and methodologies employed by the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in propagating the message of Islam, particularly concerning women.  By adopting an applied perspective, this study aims to bridge the gap between historical narratives and modern-day challenges. It analyzes how the principles and practices of the companions can be contextualized and applied in addressing contemporary issues related to women in the context of da'wah (invitation to Islam). The study seeks to extract valuable insights and lessons from the experiences of the companions, considering their cultural, social, and political milieu, and examines their relevance in today's diverse and dynamic societies.


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How to Cite
Hafiz Liaqat Ali Awan, & Hafiz Abu Bakar Idrees. (2024). دعوت دین میں خواتین کے مسائل اور صحابیات کے مناہج تبلیغ : عصری تناظر میں اطلاقی مطالعہ: Women’s Issues and Methodologies of the Companions in the Context of Invitation to Islam: An Applied Study in Modern Perspective. AL-QAWĀRĪR, 5(2), 54-71. Retrieved from https://journal.al-qawarir.com/index.php/alqawarir/article/view/311