Karima Hamza’s Seerah Writing; A critical review
The biography of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is a topic on which a lot has been written from
the first century of Hijra until today, a lot is being written and a lot will be
written. This title has religious, academic, historical and contemporary utility, so
Muslim scholars have written on this topic in every era. Men as well as women
have moved their pen to express their devotion and love. From ancient to modern
times, women have contributed to writing on this subject. Although their number
is less as compared to men, but in modern times this number is increasing. Apart
from regular books, theses at M.A., M. Phil and Ph. D level are being written in
various public and private universities. In this regard, Arabic and English
languages come after Urdu. A prominent name among women Sirah writers in
Arabic is Kariman Hamza from Egypt (died: 2023). She has written one book on
Sirat Al-Nabi for children. In this article a critical review of his Sirah wirting is
being presented. In the beginning, the personal details of the author are
described. Then the introduction of the books compiled on Sirat Al-Nabi is listed
and after that the style of his Sirah writing and the subtle points found in it are
listed. Finally, the Conclusions and recommendations of the research are
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Zubair Sheikh, Professor (retired) Dr. Muhammad Idrees Lodhi (Author)

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