An overview of Women Education in Mughal Empire
یلغم دور ںیم میلعت وسناں اک اامجیل اجزئ ہ
Women education, Mughal era, role of women , objections on IslamAbstract
Education is essential for the development of any society. Therefore, from the very beginning, Islam has given equal emphasis to both men and women for acquiring knowledge. The virtue of Islam is that it emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge more than any other religion, and gave a dignified place to a woman who was despised in society. Just as Islam honored women, it also gave them full educational rights. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has laid down principles for the religious education and training of women. The women have played a vital role for the establishment of said rules by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for the betterment of the society. In every era capable women have been born who have amazed the whole world with their knowledge and art.
Although there is not any example of formal education institutes for women since the beginning of Islam till the Mughal era, in spite of this the practice of women's education continued informally. .In India the Mughal Rulers played significant role in the fields of civilization, culture and various science and arts, in which the participation of Muslim women are also prominent. Equipped with high education and training, the Mughal women took over the government and performed significant role in the political and military arenas. Ignoring the intellectual and social activities of these women is like erasing a bright chapter of history from the face of the earth.
In this article, a major objection to Islam that it has kept women away from the field of knowledge has been categorically denied and an attempt has been made to clarify the scholarly activities in the field of education and utilization of Muslim women.
Copyright (c) 2024 Ainee Rubab, Nargis Munir (Author)

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