عہد نبویﷺمیں رضاعت خواتین کا ذریعہ معاش : عصر حاضر میں استفادہ کی صورتیں

Reza'at Women's means of livelihood in the Prophet's Era: Forms of Utilization in the Present Age

  • Dr Nabeela Falak Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Sargodha Campus.
Keywords: Prophetic era, women, economy, feeding, utilization


If an infant drinks the milk of any Mahram or non-Mahram woman during infancy, or if that woman breastfeeds him, in both ways, this process is called nursing. Generally, the first food of a newborn child is his mother's milk. But Traditions have also been part of history where a child receives this sustenance from a foster mother rather than the birth mother. This practice existed in Arab society, where professional nursing mothers were called Reza'a or foster mothers, in exchange for this service, the child's parents used to work with the foster according to Arab custom and family prestige and ability, which was paid through the income of the foster women. This custom was in the Age of Ignorance and it was continued in the Prophetic Age. The Prophet himself was fostered and he stayed with his foster mother Hazrat Halima Saadia almost for five years. Nowadays, this prestigious profession has been lost in the pages of history. It is a prestigious profession for many women who want to continue their economic activities while staying at home. This profession creates new relationships in the society, creates an atmosphere of love, unity and respect in families and tribes. In today's societies, women need such prestigious professions. This paper discusses the importance of nursing as a dignified livelihood for women through the study of Prophet hood.


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How to Cite
Dr Nabeela Falak. (2024). عہد نبویﷺمیں رضاعت خواتین کا ذریعہ معاش : عصر حاضر میں استفادہ کی صورتیں: Reza’at Women’s means of livelihood in the Prophet’s Era: Forms of Utilization in the Present Age. AL-QAWĀRĪR, 5(3), 18-27. Retrieved from https://journal.al-qawarir.com/index.php/alqawarir/article/view/321